Jessa Hinton Mom, Ex Playboy Bunny + Real AF Influencer


Model, Public Speaker and Mega Influencer

Jessa Hinton

Today we’re joined (and blessed) by Jessa Hinton - the very blunt, open minded participant of the social media LGBTQ community, a model and a public speaker. She's become a fast, dear friend and supporter, I just love knowing her, and I’m so excited for you all to know her, too!

This was such a deep, powerful, unique and heart warming episode you guys - seriously it’s is a must listen. We chat about:

+ Jessa's journey from waitress, to Playboy Model and ambassador, to mega influencer

+ Being a mom and becoming a foster parent when you have your own biz

+ Realness of LGBTQ struggles in today's world

+ Being real, goofy, sexy and not giving a f*ck what anyone thinks


This episode is brought to you by:

The Chakra Girl Meditation Bundle. I created this series of meditations for you to tap into your chakra energy with me every day, because as you know, when you activate your chakras you can manifest anything! 

My Chakra Update:

You guys - I am feeling SO good today and I hope you are, too! I went to yoga today and I had a bunch of people cancel calls which always feels like some kind of divine intervention and the world making it clear that I need to take some me time! I’ve also got some really exciting things on the horizon for Chakra Girl Co and I cannot wait to share them with you!

I also wanted to take a hot minute to remind you all just how crazy grateful I am for you and that I couldn’t do this work if it wasn’t for your support. Tune into this episode to hear the full sappy shout out to you (as well as a not so nice Instagram comment that actually had me LOLing) and my girl Jennifer Jaden who was tapping into my words of affirmation love language real good! My inbox is always open if you also want to spread the words of affirmation my way - and I’ll send them right back to you! You can also leave a nice review for the podcast, hint, hint!

Chakra Tip of the Day:

Ok this is by no means a new revelation, but I want to challenge you guys to go to yoga at least once a week. Yoga is such a big part of who I am but I used to always categorize it as my workout for the day. Since I started seeing a trainer (and HELLO seeing some awesome results) I kind of let yoga slip to the side.

But it just takes one class to remind myself that yoga is about so much more than a workout for your body - it’s a real mind and soul connection, too and is such a game changer!

Chakra Shout Out:  

Justine Marjan Hair accessory collab with Kitsch. They have Hematite crystals in them which are so so good for grounding!! They are effing lit you guys. 

So basically they are like pavé - and they say fun words like "Glam" "Drippin" "Daamn"and then there are some that are bobby pins but super sturdy and crystaly!  I did a photo shoot with them yesterday and will be sharing my lewk on Insta!


Here are the links to these amazing products and resources and we talked about on this episode!

+ Chakra Girl Business School

Connect with Jessa